Mark Logan » Home Page

Home Page

My name is Mark Logan.  I am a 6th grade Social Studies teacher at Deepwater Junior High.  The 6th grade curriculum is designed around the concept of world cultures.  We will be studying a little geography, a little history, and a lot about culture.  Because this is a "social sciences" class, we will talk about a lot of SOCIAL and SOCIETAL issues.  I want to ensure that students are able to understand what it means to be a citizen and live in a society.  We may discuss some tough issues at times, and I will encourage them to continue those discussions at home.  They will know that I am by no means the final word on these issues that are very divisive.  We will talk about how to think for ourselves, NOT what to think.
Your child's assignments, the class notes, and all reference materials are located in CANVAS.  If you ever need to see what grades your student is missing, you can access that in SKYWARD.  Because they are able to access ALL materials from anywhere, there should be NO reason for missing work.  Please make sure your child understands that missing class does not mean missing work!
If you ever need to reach me; you can email me by using the link on the faculty tab of the school website, or you can reach me at the school phone number (832) 668-7600.  Please call me on my conference (between 1:15 and 2:19).
I look forward to working with your student this year!